How To Properly Bulk For Maximum Muscle Growth

For some reason, when it comes to bulking, people forget everything good they knew about nutrition.

They start eating everything they can get their hands.

"But bro I'm bulking"

Bulking is used as an excuse to eat a whole bunch of garbage.

Just like your cutting phase, your bulking phase should be clean and follow a set of rules.

Because the truth is, if you're serious about building as much muscle as you can, you should spend most of the year bulking.

8-9 months bulking, 3-4 month cutting or eating at maintenance.

Let's take a closer look.

How do you expect to bulk for 8-9 months straight if you eat whatever you get your hands on?

The answer is, you don't.

You get too fat too fast and before you know it, you're forced to cut down again because you quite literally are getting too fat.

And that's a big reason why so many people see mediocre results.

Their eating habits are forcing them to constantly switch between bulking and cutting which isn't optimal for muscle growth nor for your training performance at the gym.

In this email I'll show you how you can execute a proper bulk for 8-9 months so you can pack on a solid amount of muscle.

Quick overview of how it works:

You bulk for 8-9 months, you cut down for the shirtless months, and then enter a new bulking phase from a lean position.

There are two thing we need to get down first so you're able to bulk for 8-9 months straight.

1) Get lean first

You need to start from a lean position.


Because if you start bulking at 17% body fat, in a few months you're pushing overweight territory and are forced to cut down again.

That's not good.

You need to start from a lean position so you have a bigger buffer before pushing overweight territory.

Aim to cut down 12% body fat.

If you think you can get leaner, you can even push for 10-11% which gives you even more wiggle room.

2) Nail the surplus

You have to control your calorie surplus very well.

If you eat 500 calories over your maintenance, in a few months you'll run into the same problem I've described many times before.

The ideal surplus is between 200-300 calories.

This will result in minimal fat gain (around half a pound per week) while still giving you all the calories you need to maximize muscle growth.

So if you start from 10-12% body fat, eat at a small 200-300 calorie surplus, you can successfully bulk for 8-9 months without getting fat.

If you don't really care about being lean for the summer months, you could bulk for an entire year and pack on as much muscle as possible but I wouldn't go over 20% body fat.

20% is the higher end in which to end a bulk.

What should you do at the end of the bulk?

You cut down again so you can see all the muscle you built and so you could start a new bulking phase again from a good position.

Note about training: make sure to push all your set hard. During a bulk, your ability to recover and push hard is higher since you're getting so much energy from food. You definitely want to leverage that.

And that's how you execute a proper lean bulk.

Thanks for reading!

If you want help building that ripped physique, reply "Details" to this email.

Tauri Hanvere

Welcome to the ShapeSector blog with Tauri Hanvere! This blog is for people who want to learn how to approach fitness, training, and nutrition to achieve that ripped look.

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